Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tips on presenting

North X East (who is quickly becoming one of my favorite bloggers) has a great post on how to give a good presentation.

This is particularly pertinent to me because my entire business at this point revolves around me giving presetations. Currently most of my business comes from small group presentations but I've discovered that I really enjoy presenting to larger groups. This good because I've been invited to present at a national conference in early 2008 where I'll be presenting to a few hundred people.

The tips were, for the most part, common sense, but sometimes common sense isn't all that common. The biggest one that hit home with me was #2 - get feedback on your technique. I don't do this and I should. I get a lot of praise and positive response both on content and presentation style, but most people aren't going to walk up to you and say negative things so I need to work on that. Guess I really need to finish that seminar survey that I've been procrastinating on. :-)

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