Monday, March 26, 2007

Business goal: Use Adsense, Commission Junction and other affiliate marketing income to pay for expenses

Even though Adsense and Commission Junction have been around for a while, I've not used either of them before now. I've decided to take a stab at that and other affiliate marketing sites to try to earn enough each month to pay for my hosting fees. This will at least make the business break-even instead of automatically operating in the red. I've only been doing it 24 hours and have already made a bit so I'm hoping the trend continues.

The most important thing to me is that (at least with CJ) I'm only putting ads on my site for businesses that I actually use. It's important to me to only promote services that I think are really worth it. Check out a list of my favorite sites.

I've subscribed to several blogs on this topic to learn all the hints and tips, the best of which I'll post to this site. I'll also do monthly summaries of my earnings just to show you how it's going.

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