Monday, March 26, 2007

Business goal: More large-group public personal finance presentations

So I've discovered over the last few months that I really enjoy giving my Intro to Personal Finance class to large groups. I'll admit that part of it is the thrill of looking up and seeing 75 people frantically writing down what I'm telling them, but also just enjoy presenting to groups. As a result, one of the focuses I'm going to have with my business revamp is to start arranging more large-scale presentations.

I think this will be beneficial for a few reasons:
  1. I'll be able to reach people I wouldn't have otherwise reached
  2. I'll have a larger audience which should (hopefully) lead to more business in the future
  3. I can charge a smaller session fee but still make more money (because as much as I love this, it is about making money)
I have a few ideas on how to start doing this. I'm going to join as a service provider and contact some non-profits in the area about giving free presentations. I'm all about giving free seminars just to get the word out. I'm also going to contact some local assoications, community and alumni groups about presenting to them.

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